Monday, July 15, 2013

This Just IN

(NY) Rumors are flying, and furiously, that  Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation  could announce that it might consider hiring George Zimmerman to host a proposed new show on its possibly soon to be launched children's network.  Speculation is that on the show, tentatively entitled "Guns and Dolls,"  George will explain the benefits of bullying, stalking, and killing all those with darker skins except maybe for Clarence Thomas (George isn't sure about that, but he's willing to listen). 

"We're in the entertainment business," said a person familiar with the rumored discussion of a possible show that might feature Zimmerman. 

In a separate but related item, the Bush...error... the Obama Administration announced today that it has hired the six jurors who acquitted Zimmerman as a special board of review and clearance to oversee the US government's "targeted killing" program.  An unidentified highly placed source stated that as its first assignment the new board will review the applicability of pre-emptive "stand your ground" targeted killings when the government feels threatened by those who might leak embarrassing security documents and wear hoodies.

July 15, 2013

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