Proyect on Putin and the "left":
Russia is
in the throes of a nationalistic/Orthodox church deep freeze and it is
regrettable that so many on the left cheer Putin on as if he is Che Guevara.
--almost as regrettable as those that cheer Che Guevara as if he were Lenin, which is
--almost as regrettable as those that cheer Lenin as if he were Marx
Proyect on Michael Moore:
And this idiot had the nerve to beg Ralph Nader not to run. He is
finally eating his words.
--as opposed to those who begged Nader to run (see below).
Proyect on his favorite next word-eater:
It would help if the left could get its act together and organize an
independent campaign around a charismatic leftist candidate. Nader is
out of the question with his stupid right-left convergence politics but
someone like Cornel West could be huge (although I doubt that he would
--because why? West isn't eating his words re Obama? Or because we're suddenly hungry and need words to eat?
Personal favorite:
Proyect list member on cynical self-centered technologies:
The Gates initiative in education was always cynical and self-interested, centered as it is upon heavy investments in new technologies.
Sent from my Windows Phone (emphasis added)
Coming soon: Object Lessons of Overproduction