Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Following Up, or Down

The editors over at The North Star are inviting readers to submit responses to ten (10) smoldering sub-sections of the single, eternally burning question for our movement:  What Is To Be Done?

As much as this may sound like virtual Leninism, it isn’t; nothing Lenin did was virtual.
Indeed, TNS claims a pedigree, with papers to prove it, of being a departure from “Leninist orthodoxy.”
TNS finds its inspiration, mainly, in the work of the late Peter Camejo, former Green Party candidate for vice-president (part-time), and investment adviser (full-time).  “Socially-responsible investing” was Pete’s shtick (as some would say on the Street), and he supposedly did it well.
Here are the Big Ten...

Sunday, March 05, 2017

Dogs, Licensed

An audio version of the article is available on Soundcloud
1. We’ve had “(put)in like Flynn,” and now we have “(put)out like Flynn.”
We have a new chief executive officer of the bourgeoisie’s state, who got his (political) start falsely claiming that  his predecessor as CEO was not a US citizen, now whining about “fake news” when real information exposes his machinations as being exactly that, self-serving machinations.
We have Kellyanne Conway, everybody’s favorite neo-frau Goebbels, wailing on behalf of the non-victims of the non-existent massacre at Bowling Green vowing to never forget what never happened and to never not-let what never happened happen.
full at: