Tuesday, February 07, 2017



Q1.  What does Trump represent?

A1.   Trump, not to be confused with the Trampps of the dance classic "Disco Inferno," represents a wave of international reaction triggered not solely by insufficient levels of profitability since 2008, but also by the very modest improvements made since the trough of the Great Recession. Trump represents the "big clawback" of revenues that capital imagines it can grasp through the liquidation of regulations, restraints, protections; through the arbitrage of the inefficiencies and irrationality of markets; inefficiencies and irrationality made so much more acute, and fungible by the disruption, disorder, shock that is the trading on the Trump brand.

A true man for the times, Trump exudes inefficiency and irrationality from every pore. He's got more inefficiency and irrationality in his little finger, his little fingers, than entire branches of the military.

That's entertainment, but not just entertainment.  Nixon had his "madman act," the pissed-off petit-bourgeois with the launch codes.  Nixon was neurotic. Trump is the spoiled brat; not neurotic, pathological.  He doesn't recall that it's an act.  He thinks he's entitled. 

Full article here:  https://anticapital0.wordpress.com/faq/

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