Friday, February 24, 2017

(Dys)function at the (Con)juntion

Impasse at the intersection of Value Boulevard and  Accumulation Avenue

The accumulation of capital is first last and always the accumulation of the means of production as capital, that is to say as values seeking more values; as values expanding values;  as value extracting more value for labor power constituted itself as value.


...for the  means of production to exist as values, their utility as the means of labor has to be expressed, and  suppressed-- mediated-- as and by private property.


...then the means of production confronts laborers, and labor-power, not as things, objects, but as a condition of their own labor, as a condition of their own existence, subsistence, reproduction.


...then the laboring time becomes the means of exchange, becomes the material substance, the frozen breath, identified as value.

...then all products, all product, exists as value; all production exists only to realize surplus value.

Read all about it here


  1. And the solution is.....?

    1. abolition of capitalism; socialist revolution; proletariat's overthrow of the bourgeoisie.

    2. Any sign of that happening anywhere? Realistically?

    3. Different question. You asked for the solution. Now you ask is the solution actually emerging. I'll then provide x,y,z examples where struggles are developing that have the potential to become class wide, and you'll then respond that that's conjecture or speculation; then I'll respond, that that's how it always appears-- "invisible" as if out of nowhere. And we'll go around and around.

      No, there is no sign of the abolition of capitalism of socialist revolution........... until there is.

  2. Fair enough! How about you provide the x,y,z examples and I won't reply?

  3. Thank you. Any specific organisations or parties in those countries that you would commend for further study?
