Sunday, January 29, 2017

In The Beginning

This is how it starts.   The capitalist economy on the global platform, is so burdened with  overproduction, by the accumulation of capital itself, that circulation slows.  Rates of growth in global trade slow, followed by absolute declines in volumes and values. Trade pacts, alliances, partnerships fail to generate returns necessary to offset the protectionist impulses spun off by the breakdown in circulation, by the big slowdown.

Declines in market-shares and in approval ratings, inspire the bourgeoisie and their agents to extreme, and bizarre measures.  The "irrational" nature of the US withdrawing from trade pacts structured, negotiated, pursued by the US,  because the pacts are "bad deals for US workers" is precisely paralleled by the issuance of an executive order  restricting immigration and  refugee admissions because "hundreds of foreign-born individuals have been convicted or implicated in terrorism-related crimes since September 11, 2001, including foreign nationals who entered the United States after claiming asylum; after receiving visitor, student, or employment visas; or through the US refugee resettlement programs." It's all about the other; it's always about the other, the "foreigner," the enemy.

Nothing fulfills the narcissistic disorder like an enemy, except more enemies.

Full article at Anti-Capital,   HERE

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