Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Thumbnail Guide to Sectarianism

Is there anything more ignorant, petty, pathetic, laughable than the way the "left"-- the so-called "left"-- throws around the word "sectarian," aiming it at  most everybody within its domain, and all of us outside?

So let's clarify, using the example of the 1970-1973 situation in Chile:

Refusal to support, participate in or enter the government of the Unidad Popular?
Not sectarian.

Refusal to support, participate in, or enter the cordones industriales because they, the cordones supported the Unidad Popular government?

Moving the clock ahead some 43, 42 years:

Refusal to support, participate in, or enter  the Syriza government?
Not sectarian.

Refusal to support, participate in, or enter assemblies, councils, associations, and/or demonstrations of popular power because already established groups in those assemblies etc. do support the Syriza government?

Carry this guide with you.  Refer to it as often as necessary whenever the hack left and its hack leftists deploy their sectarian drones.

S. Artesian
February 4, 2015

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